Back to Basics – Hospitality – Day 3

serve one another

Matthew 25:34-40 NIV “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.  For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,  I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?  When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you?  When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’’

I have moved house a lot and as a result I have visited many churches. It is no wonder there are so many people who have given up on the church. I have been to churches and not a single soul has said hello. The Church is where you should feel God’s love, a warm welcome, genuine concern for your well-being, feed and clothe those that need it. Church should be a place where there is no judgement, a safe haven for those that need it.

Feeding someone is a gift, showing Gods love by providing the comfort of a warm meal, cooked with love is a blessing to both the person who receives and the person that gives.

Does your church have a bank of frozen meals for those that are in need?

Do you have regular potluck/ covered plate dinners?

I believe that teaching Hospitality is perfect for young woman in the church, an opportunity to learn the kills from the older ladies also giving them the skills to cook for a family when they marry. The churches are full of lonely older ladies who are just crying out to feel useful and younger  ladies who are just crying out to learn these skills. I feel this area of Hospitality is undervalued.

At one church there was a young family with 3 small children and they were late to church every Sunday. This young mum sat there and you could tell she was barely holding it all together. The minister’s wife had an idea, what if she arranged for an older lady from the congregation to help the young mum. This was a perfect arrangement, the young mum was so happy to get some help. The lady came early and fed and bathed the children and kept them occupied the parents were able to shower and get ready for church with no pressure. They arrived at church on time and the older lady sat with the family with a smile so big, she felt useful she felt wanted. I am not sure who got the most from this arrangement. I know that a lovely friendship came from helping each other.  This experiment was repeated time and time again. The older ladies were like extra grandparents.

Maybe try inviting someone to church back to your home after church. Show Gods love, spend time getting to know people, you don’t need to have a fancy house and gourmet food. The blessings will flow.

Make a visitor to your church welcome, show them God’s love.  If you show hospitality to someone you will find a more receptive heart to hear Gods word.

Have a beautiful day.

Created for the Gift of the Home by Nicole Clarke

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Back to Basics – Hospitality – Day 2


1 peter

How simple is it to be really resentful when you are doing something you don’t want to do. You said yes to a request when you really should have said no, and now you are stuck, doing something with resentment in your heart, and you think no one notices. Sorry, but they do!!!   If you look at the areas of Hospitality you need to get your heart right with God first, pray beforehand, that you will make a difference in someone’s  life that through your actions they can be left with no doubt that it was God’s love being shown to them. I have been too many churches where the intent was to minister to those in need, but they forgot God in the process too busy with the practicalities of the event.

1 Peter 4 speaks to us about this, “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.  Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.  Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.  If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God.  If anyone serves, they should so so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.  To Him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen.”

If you are finding it difficult to show God’s love to those that have fallen on hard times, I ask you to pray and seek God.

Many years ago I worked as a bank teller and I loved the old ladies, I always smiled and had a little chat with them. One day a lady asked to speak with me, I had no idea who she was. She introduced herself as the daughter of a lady I served every week. She wanted to let me know that her mother had passed away. She also wanted me to know that her mother was so touched by my kindness and the fact I always smiled at her and made time for a chat. I made her feel important and it was her visit to the bank that was a highlight in her week.

Tears came to my eyes, because I didn’t think that I had done anything out of the ordinary, I only spoke to this precious woman for maybe 3-4 minutes each week, but that was enough to show God’s love by my actions. I thanked the daughter for taking the time to meet me and gave her my condolences. From that day forward, I prayed that Gods love would shine from me to help all those who needed it. You may never know how your actions may help someone. God does though.

It is easy to be nice to the sweet old ladies and the mothers of young bubs, but is sometimes a little confrontational to show God’s love to the homeless, drug addicts and alcoholics.

I really like this song by Collin Raye. What if Jesus comes back like that. It really makes you look at your heart. You don’t know the difference a kindness can make in a person’s life.

Are you judgmental?

Do you look away and pretend you haven’t seen someone who is hurting?

Ask yourself,” What would Jesus do?”

God loves us all, each and every one of us. He loved us so much that gave us Jesus, who died on the cross for our sins. It is God’s love that will make all the difference in this world.

Have a beautiful day.


collin raye

What if Jesus comes back like that by Collin Raye

Created for the Gift of the Home by Nicole Clarke

Come join us for encouragement and support at

Back to Basics – Hospitality – Day 1

Hospitality day 1

You know that excitement when you visit with someone who makes you feel truly welcome. The dictionary describes hospitality as:

The friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers.

Hospitality is not just a lovely meal in pleasant surroundings. Hospitality is generosity and kindness and the perfect way of showing Gods love.

You will always remember the way an interaction made you feel, good or bad. I remember to this day visiting a great aunt, the house was always so cold, bitterly cold, she swore like a trooper and in a tone that scared me half to death, her dogs would bark and nip but she never put them outside, I sat on my father’s lap with my legs up, too scared to move & counting the minutes until we could leave. I did not feel welcome at all. I would hate for anyone to feel that way in my home.

I grew up in a very multicultural area of Sydney, Australia. Our family was the only Australians in the street. This is where I learnt about European hospitality. These lovely woman were only too happy to teach me their recipes and there ways of doing things. I remember to this day that whenever you visited, you were made feel welcome and you were given something to eat, they wanted to chat with you. It was a joyful time to visit with them. I always learnt something new from these wonderful  woman.

I was watching Toni Morrison on Oprah and she said something that changed my heart from that day. “Do your eyes light up when a child walks into the room?” How do you answer that?  When people visit your home do your eyes light up? Or are you so busy with all that is going on and presume they know you are happy to see them.

I would like us to really take the time to really take notice of how you relate to people. How do you greet your husband when he comes in from work. The 50’s notion of a perfect house and an immaculately dressed wife and clean and bathed quiet children ready with his slippers and a martini in hand as he walks in the door, is a fantasy.

But how do you greet your husband?  I try to open the door to my husband so that he knows that I am happy to see him. If I am busy at the stove I usually sing out, “I am just so happy to see you, but I just can’t leave the cooking” so when he greets me in the kitchen I am happy to see him and I always look him in the eye. He knows I am happy to have him home.

Take note when you next visit with someone, Do their eyes light up when you walk into the room? How did they make you feel?

I read a wonderful post on hospitality this week from What Christians want to know by Derek Hill –

If you would like to see Toni Morrison on Oprah discussing “do your eyes light up when your child walks into the room” this is the link.


Created for the Gift of the Home by Nicole Clarke

Come join us for encouragement and support at




Back to Basics – Homemaking Day 5


Today let’s do a prayer walk through our homes.

Turn on some quiet, background praise music.

Seek God’s guidance on how to best clean and organize your home.

Ask for God’s strength to accomplish what HE (not YOU) wants in your home.

Thank Him for the Gift of the Home.

Look around your home with gratefulness.  Seek to replace thoughts of discontentment, frustration or envy about the homes of others.

Surrender your possessions and your relationships to God.

Be willing to give up items that don’t serve a purpose in your home.

Request that He touch others who live in the home to help in its upkeep.

Repent of any known sin of your own, especially regard to your home and family relationships.

Spend some time in Scripture, perhaps claiming some verses for your home and family.

Notice God’s handiwork in your yard, your pets, artwork, etc.

Thank Him for all the blessings He has bestowed on you.

For each room: Starting at the entrance, slowly stroll through the room and pray as follows:

1. That God would be honored by the activities in the room.

2. Ask God to help you make the room reflect a sense of peace and order.

3. Demonstrate God’s grace and forgiveness in rooms that have tension in them.

4. Spend a few moments in thankfulness for the room and what it represents, and the people who often use it.

5. Spend a few minutes of quiet listening in the room.

6. Do one simple, task in the room: dust one table, straighten a pile, put something away. Remember you are in prayer walk so just do something simple.

Now sit down and prayerfully make some goals for getting organized. Set your goals within the mindset of worship and dedication to the Lord.

Set your goals within the mindset of worship and dedication to the Lord.

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” ~Matthew 9:19-21

When we let go of all the excess in our lives and choose to live life more simply and led by God, our gain is far greater than our loss.  When we clear the clutter from our hearts, minds, and homes, we are free to live more fully and experience joy more abundantly.

By removing what clouds our vision, we are able to see God’s purpose for us.  It is within the walls of our home that we nurture a marriage that can be a testament to the beauty of God’s marvelous design and a model for our children to follow.  It is here where we nature our children’s hearts giving them a thirst for knowledge and a hunger for God and his word.

As homemakers, our primary ministry is within our homes.  We have the awesome privilege of making  a home that is a sanctuary.  How well we do that will reflect our perspective and priorities and how firmly we are grounded in the foundation of Christ.

I believe God wants you to know that …your home is sacred.  Where you live makes a big difference. Every little thing in your home influences you through its colors, shapes, textures, smells. Take a look around your home, – what can you change to transform your home into a place of communion?

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Back to Basics – Homemaking Day 4


“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21

We tend to put our hearts into what we value the most.  What do you consider to be your treasure?  Is that truly where your heart is?  I’m sure most of us would say our relationship with God, our husband, our children, etc.  Our intentions are pure and I’m sure we truly desire in our hearts to keep these as our greatest treasures… but does the way we manage our time reflect that those are our top priorities?

There is not a one-size fits all for this.  God has called each of us to do a wide variety of tasks for Him.  It’s important that we explore the possibilities of what it might look like to use our time effectively to further God’s purposes today.  Truly, isn’t that the true heart of time management?

If we really want to understand how we should be wisely managing our time, we need to let go of the idea that we need to “have it all together”.  That’s never going to happen.

Have you ever tried to take a picture of a group?  Some will be smiling, some looking in different directions ~ never will everyone be looking at the camera at the same time.  Our life and the way we manage our time is like that.

Healthy, wise, and effective time management has little to do with our organized we are, how clean we are able to keep our homes or how many tasks you can accomplish in a day.

We need to ask ourselves these questions each day: What has God-given me to do?  In what ways does God want me to serve?  Who are the people in my life God has called me to care for?  What, then, must I do to accomplish this?

Having a clear picture of God’s calling in our lives will help us with our time management more than anything else.  God has given us 24 hours in a day – not too many, not too few – just enough.  How we chose to spend that time is up to us.  Are we using our time for His purpose and glory?  If not, it’s time to consider what changes need to be made.  Ask Him, “What do you want from me God?  How do you want me to spend my time for you?”

“There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven…” Ecclesiastes 3:1

It’s important for us to recognize that each season in our lives bring changes in the ways we serve and the ways we manage our time overall.  We need to embrace God’s calling for us at this time.  Embrace the season that you are in now.  Don’t waste time longing for a different season.  Don’t feel guilt over what you aren’t accomplishing because of this season.  God has given us a purpose for His kingdom right now.  What are you doing with it?

Reflections for Today:

1. Share a little about the season of life you are currently “celebrating”.

2. What would you consider to be the biggest treasures in life?  Do you feel you are doing a good job keeping those treasures your highest priority?  What do you need to change or adjust in your schedule so that your treasures remain at the top of your list?

3. Galatians 6:9 says, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”  When do you find yourself weary?  What have you found to be an effective strategy to fight against weariness?

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Back to Basics – Homemaking Day 3


 “…lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal. But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”~ Matthew 6:19-21

 An orderly, well-organized home allows us to be more efficient as wives and mothers.  An orderly, well-organized home allows us to be more effective.  An orderly, well-organized home provides comfort and a safe haven.

Organizing is key for a homemaker.  It’s a blessing!

DE-CLUTTER.  This is a “must do” not a “should do”.  Once we’ve cut back on non-essentials you’ll be able to clearly see what we need to organize.

RETURN MISPLACED ITEMS.  Simply go through each room and put back items that have been misplaced.  Focus on one room at a time and don’t let yourself get side-tracked.

CLEAN UP.  Not a deep clean … just a sweep and vacuuming of the floors, clean the counters and tables, and put the clean clothes away.

 Try this motto “I don’t want to spend my life moving things around.”

 TAKE INVENTORY.  Write a written list of what areas are in need of organization.

We are learning to make a home a tool that can be used for our purpose, for His purpose – not the other way around.

Reflections for Today:

1. Do you see yourself as the manager of your home?  Why or why not?

2. In what ways can being more organized simplify your homemaking?

3. What has been keeping you from consistently organizing, purging and keeping an orderly home?

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Back to Basics – Homemaking Day 2


 “She looketh well to the ways of her husband, and eateth not the bread of idleness.” Proverbs 31:27

As women seeking to follow Jesus, we must start to think our homes as our gardens.  With our hands we either build up or tear down our homes.  We have been given to our husbands as helpmates.  We serve a God of order.  When we organize and care for our homes, we are bearing His image.

In cheerfully seeking to keep our homes for God’s glory, we are doing great work.   We are keeping HIS house.  Let’s do it excellently and with cheerfulness.

In cleaning our homes there are three things we should strive for in all our tasks… excellence, efficiency and enjoyment.

EXCELLENCE. is when we do our daily tasks unto the Lord.  Seek to go the extra mile when doing our tasks.

EFFICIENCY. We need to seek more efficient ways of doing things.  We can’t let ourselves waste away valuable time.

ENJOYMENT.  If doing our tasks do we have a grumbling spirit, then it’s not really unto Him.  Sing, praise him, and pray while you work.  It will make it much more pleasant.

As our sweet, friend at New Things Springing Forth has posted, “What a sweet reminder to do our work joyfully, as unto the Lord. “”Bees hum while they work. They don’t whine.” You were designed with a gift to do something… Like the bees.”

Reflections for Today:

1. What areas in particular with your housekeeping can you begin to shift your focus from “chores” to “kingdom building”?

2. How can your family tend your garden to the glory of God?

3. Memorize a verse that could encourage you in your daily tasks.

4. What area in your home can you specifically focus on doing things with more excellency, efficiency and enjoyment?

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Back to Basics – Homemaking Day 1


“By wisdom a house is built… by understanding it is established; and by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.”  Proverbs 24:3-4

Homemaking is an opportunity to … invite God into our lives, our homes as we care for those who you truly love by creating a comforting calm space, a safe haven from the storms of life and increasing our ability to help others and feel peace by being prepared, orderly and organized.

It’s not about the decorating of our homes that determine if our homes are warm and inviting, it’s the Spirit of God that lives within our home.  People will sense the Spirit when they walk in the door whether they know it or not.

Homemaking is inviting the presence of God to reside in our homes.  It’s asking God to help us care and arrange our homes in a way that is a comfort and a blessing to the people who live there, as well as those who visit.  It’s asking God to give you wisdom, understanding and knowledge that can only come from Him.

Our homes reflect a glimpse of our hearts.  As Christian women, the foundation for everything in our lives should flow from Jesus Christ.  Our lives flow from His death and His resurrection.  His blood provides the only way we can be saved.  Our real home is in heaven.  Here on earth, our homes can be the closest thing to either heaven (or hell), and by God’s grace, He can help our homes to reflect His kingdom and His life with eternal fruitfulness and joy.

The heart of simplicity is a heart of worship.  Rather than striving in the flesh, it’s a heart of abiding in Christ and allowing God’s presence to flow through us.  Jesus said, “Abide in me and I in you.  As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.  I am the vine, you are the branches.  He who abides in Me, and I in Him, bears much fruit; for without Me, you can do nothing.” John 15:5

By renewing our vision and focus on making new habits, we can start to live more simply and more fully for Christ.  By surrendering our will to God and choosing to walk in the Spirit daily, we can be free from these burdens and able to complete the work He has equipped us to do.  When we shed the excess in our hearts, our minds, and our homes, we can more clearly heart that still, small voice and pursue God in all we do.  Then we will find true joy and genuine peace.

All of us have the opportunity to change our lives and the lives of those around us if we will commit our whole life to serving the King.  If we don’t invest the time in this amazing relationship, not only are we foolish, but we are suicidal, for the very health and life of our bodies, minds, and spirits are dependent on the health of our relationship with our God.

When we drench ourselves in His Word, we grow in knowledge and grace.  “You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, take care that you are not carried away with the error of lawless people and lose your own stability.  But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”  2 Peter 3:17-18.  This grace gives us the power and desire to live lives that are alignment with the ways of God.  We must send time with him – putting on Christ every day.  Put your Bible where you can grab moments of reading here and there ~ it is life ~ breathe it!

Reflections for today:

1. If you could describe the foundation of your home at this moment what would it be?

2. What are some time-wasters that you have a hard time letting go of?

3. Why is vision and faith so important when it comes to growing in your prayer life?

4. Is spending your time feeding your soul on His Word daily as much a priority for you as brushing your teeth, showering?  If not, why not?


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happy house


Budgeting Part 2

Ok, so we have all our bills, figured out the amounts, and asked ourselves why on the amounts.  Now, let’s start the budgeting thing. 

Isaiah 55:2 “Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and you will delight in the richest of fare.”

Let’s take a look at one way of doing a budget.  My Dad, who is the wisest man I know, always has great advice on budgeting.  His advice is this: never spend more than you make, and don’t get yourself into a debt you cannot get out of.  I see you nodding your heads in agreement!  I told you my daddy is smart!  He also always said, you pay before you play.  What does that mean?  I am so glad you asked!

If you bring home say, $20/week, and you have a bill that must be paid, and it costs $10, but your friend has invited you to a concert that only costs $15 dollars.  Do you go?  Or maybe that cute pair of shoes (my personal weakness) is finally on sale, for $19 AND you have a 10% off coupon, do you buy them?  Remember, the bill MUST be paid, or you will incur finance charges, so what do you do?  According to my Dad, you pay the bill.  Is it as much fun as the concert or those shoes?  Maybe not, but you won’t have to pay more on the same bill for not paying it in the first place.

Personal testimony time!  I got myself into some trouble about 17 years ago with credit cards.  I ran up a lot on just one, but never looked at the total, only the amount due.  Have you done that?  The problem with it is you can keep spending more on your credit card, and the minimum amount due only goes up a little bit.  Needless to say, when my husband found out (no I did not tell him, he found out when we were buying our home in NY), he was not a happy camper.  So now, I only use credit cards for gas, car repairs, and prior approval from him.

Why did I bring up my credit card abuse to you?  Because too many of us do it!  We don’t have the money to buy what we want, so we charge it!  Ane then when we max out one card, we can get another one so we can keep buying stuff we do not need.  We may want it, but we do not need it.  Remember that old expression rob Peter to pay Paul?  I know people who use one credit card to pay off another one.  It’s sad, because the debt mounts and the frenzy continues.

Ok, so maybe you are thinking what’s the big deal?  I only ran up $1,000 on one card, and I pay the minimum every month, and haven’t charged anything else on it.  Ok, good for you, but did you know, depending on the interest rate your credit card company charges you, just by paying the minimum, it will take you 10 years to pay it off!  That, my friends, is crazy.  My dad calls that fools money.  I am not saying you shouldn’t have a credit card.  What I am saying is if you use one, pay off the entirety each month.  If you can’t, then cut that card up,do NOT get another one and do your best to pay it off.  Too many people have lost their homes and sometimes their marriages all due to credit card debt.  Nothing is worth that, nothing.

 Matthew 6:24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”

Ok, so back to budgeting.  The first thing you need to do is designate the amount of money that goes out each week/month.  The ones we cannot do much about is mortgage, rent, and utilities.  The rest we can.  I am going to borrow the envelope system from Dave Ramsey.  No, I am not telling you to go out and buy his books I am just using it as an example of how to get yourself and your family on a strict budget without overspending.  Ready?  Let’s begin.  (the following is taken directly out of Dave Ramsey’s Guide to Budgeting book)  (as an aside, this budgeting plan does not include the use of credit cards.  We are trying to stay out of debt remember?)

Use the envelope system for items that tend to bust your budget.

 Common examples include:

• Food (grocery store)

• Restaurants

• Entertainment

• Gasoline

• Clothing

You don’t have to save up any money to start using  the envelope system. Here’s how you do it. Let’s say you have budgeted $500 a month for groceries. When you receive your paycheck, write yourself a check for $250, cash it, and put the cash in an envelope. On that envelope, write “groceries.” No money—and we mean NO MONEY—comes out of that envelope except to pay for food at the store.  If you go food shopping and leave the envelope at home by mistake, turn the car around and go back to the house to get it.

Make sure to take enough money to cover your groceries for that trip. If you take $150 and you tally up a bill for $160, take some things out of the cart. Bring any change back and put it in the envelope. When you get paid again, write another $250 check. That’s your $500 for the month for food. If you want to go to the store but don’t have enough money, then raid the fridge for leftovers.

Getting a Reward

If you have money left over in an envelope at the end of the month, congratulations! You came in under budget for that item that month. So for that, it’s all right to celebrate (within reason). Reward yourself if you’d like by going out to dinner or rolling the money over to the next month so you have an extra big food budget.

Getting that reward is important because it keeps your spirits up. It’s tough to live on a beans-and-rice lifestyle. But you’re making it work! Great job!

 Don’t Cheat on Your Envelopes!

Be careful not to borrow from other envelopes. When it comes to the envelope system, it can be very tempting to borrow cash from one envelope to fund some other activity. For example, if you use up all your “eating out” money, don’t be surprised if some inner voice tells you to reach behind that envelope for the one that’s marked “clothing.”  C’mon … just a little … it won’t hurt you. You must remember that the very purpose of the envelope system is to curb your spending and teach you discipline. When you run out of grocery money, you eat leftovers instead of going food shopping. If you see your gas money is slipping away faster than the remaining days of the month, then limit your trips or even carpool. If you have a crisis come up in the middle of the month or something happens and you absolutely have no other choice but to shift envelope funds around, then call an emergency budget committee meeting with your spouse. Talk to each other and figure out the best course of action, adjust the budget, and be in agreement on it. Both of you must be involved; it’s a committee decision.

Seems simple enough doesn’t it but budgeting is not going to be easy, if it were, everyone would be doing it, and we would not be in the financial shape we are in.  Remember, God wants us to be good stewards of all the gifts He has given us, and that includes our finances.  And remember, getting that pay raise, or winning the lottery will not change your finances, it will only increase your spending.  Get on a budget and stick to it!  I’ll be praying for all of you for financial wisdom!

 Ecclesiastes 5:10 “Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless.”


1. What do you think is going to be the hardest part about doing a budget?

2. Where do you see yourself overspending and how can you curb that?

Created for the Gift of the Home Group by Kirsten Dreiling

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Back to Basics Finances Day 2

Budgeting Part 1

Today we are going to talk about my least favorite part of money: budgeting.  Why do I think of this as my least favorite?  I like to buy stuff.  All kinds of stuff.  Remember that song material girl? That  was me not so long ago.  Ok, I admit it, I still am, but God is working with me on that.  I also want to let you all know, I am in no way a financial person, just letting you all know what I have learned through the years and works for my family and I .  So, let’s take a leap of faith and dive right into budgeting.

Ecclesiastes 7:12 “Wisdom is a shelter as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this: Wisdom preserves those who have it.”

 Ha!  Fooled you!  Before we can talk about a budget, we have to know where we are spending our money.  Why is this important?  If you don’t know where the money is going, how can you know what or how to budget?  This is the time for complete honesty not only for yourself, but your family as well.  The first thing we need to do is find out how much money is coming in.  Unlike looking at the gross amount for tithing, now we need to look only at the net after all that fun stuff like taxes, social security, etc.  Now, let’s get those bills ready to look at, and I mean really look at, not glance at, grimace and move on.  We all have similar bills each month such as:

  • House payment or rent
  • Electric
  • Gas/fuel oil/coal/wood (however you heat your home)
  • Phone
  • Trash
  • Water/sewer
  • Homeowners or renters insurance
  • Food

Ok, now let’s look at the other bills you may have:

  • Car payment/insurance
  • Gas for car
  • Maintenance on car
  • School supplies/fees
  • College tuition
  • Medical insurance
  • Medical bills (hospital/doctor/prescriptions/etc)
  • Credit cards
  • Miscellaneous

Now, list any other bills you have that I have not mentioned.  If you have pets, write down the cost of their food, vet bills, and medicines if any.  Make sure that you write down EVERY bill you have with the amount you pay each month, and don’t worry, I am not going to ask you to tell me how much it all comes to. That is strictly between you, your family, and God.  Remember, tithing is not included in your bills.  Next, add it all up and put the total amount at the bottom.  Subtract the bills total from the net income total.  Scary number isn’t it?  Take a deep breath, and relax.  That was one of the hardest things to do wasn’t it?  To be totally honest about the bills you pay each month and what you are bringing in.  The final thing I am going to ask of you today, is to really think about these 2 questions before you answer them.  No judgments here, we are all in the same boat, but like I am so fond of saying we cannot change what we do not acknowledge.  Ok, here we go with the questions:

1.      If your bills are higher than your income why?

2.      Are you willing or able to change that?

Congratulations!  You made it through part one of budgeting!!! Go you!

Created for the Gift of the Home Group by Kirsten Dreiling

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Back to Basics Finances Day 1

“Money, money, how we love thee how we need you more and more.”  Ah, money….those pretty little green pieces of paper cloth that we all know and love.  Some of us have a lot, and some not so much, but we have it.  We even have money in metal!  Good old quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies, and let’s not forget about 50 cent pieces, silver dollars…sigh…money….We do love our money, don’t we?  Come on, be honest with yourselves here!  We, especially here in America, covet money.  We put people who have a lot on pedestals for us all to see.  Don’t believe me?  How many rich people can you name right now?  Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, actors, sports figures?  Now, how many poor people can you name…See, money in today’s world is important.  It is what defines separates the haves from the have nots.  So, is money bad?  Let’s dive into God’s Word and see.

Money is a root of all kinds of evil.

Oops!  That is not so good, is it?  We all know that scripture, and have heard it repeatedly from pastors of all walks of life, but is it true?  Nope!  How do I know? You ask?  Because this is the most misquoted verse of all scriptures.  Let’s read it in its entirety:

1 Timothy 6:10 “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. …” 

Aha!  Now that makes more sense!  Money itself, is not evil, but the love of money is.  We could dive into a theological discussion here on this scripture, but I am not going to.  Instead, we are going to look at the money we have, and how we spend it.

We need money today.  We need it for food, shelter, clothing, and many other things.  God also asks us for money.  Why shouldn’t He?  It all belongs to Him, doesn’t it?  He provided us with the job that brings money in, the blessing of money from someone else originated from God, so it’s only natural that He wants us to give some back to Him.  He doesn’t ask for much, unlike the governments, He only asks for 10%, our tithe.

Leviticus 27:30   “‘A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord.”

That seems easy enough, doesn’t it.  Just give God 10%.  But then the second part of Timothy comes into play:

1 Timothy 6:10  “Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.”

Oops.  Ok, have I lost you here?  Let me explain what I mean.  Back to tithing, how much does God ask us to tithe?  It’s 10%, but 10% of what?  Is it ten percent of the gross amount, the net amount, or after the bills are paid?  Is it after we buy that cute outfit, or killer pair of shoes first, after our vacation?  If you answered yes to any of the above, we have a long road ahead of us.  God wants 10% of our first fruits.  That means if you gross $10, He wants $1.  Not after you pay or buy everything else, but first.  I know it’s not easy, but there is something we all need to understand.  God does not need our money.  He owns everything, so He doesn’t need it.  Then, why does He want it if He doesn’t need it?  To teach us.  To show us that He is in control of everything including our finances.  He is the Great I Am, not the Great I Need.  He wants us to fully rely on Him for everything.  By tithing, you are honoring God with, for some of us, is the most important thing in our lives.

I have heard some people say, “If you tithe to God, He will give you more money in return.”.  He might, but that is not the way He wants you to tithe.  He wants you to tithe with the right attitude.  He wants you to be a joyful giver with no thoughts on how He is going to give back to you.

What if you don’t have any money?  What if you are married to someone who does not believe in God, or does not believe in tithing?  Should you tithe anyway?  Yes.  You can tithe with other things besides money, you can tithe your time, your love, anything that God lays on your heart to tithe.

Let me tell you something of my own experience with tithing various things to God and how it worked out for me.  When I was working, I always thought to myself, I will tithe this week IF (insert any if here you like, if I have enough for bills, if that book I want isn’t here yet, if that pair of shoes isn’t on sale) if, if if.  Was God blessing me?  Yes, but there was something in my Spirit that was not at peace.  When I started to tithe, I started with 10% of the net after bills, and God blessed me.  Then it was 10% before bills, and still He blessed me.  I finally started to tithe the gross, and BOY!  Did He bless me!  Sometimes with money, yes, but mostly in other ways.  I would love to go into how He did and what, but it’s personal for each person.  I then tried to outbless God with my tithing, and I couldn’t do it!  No matter how much I blessed Him, He blessed me more!  My spirit was at peace, and was rejoicing over it all!

I no longer work, but I still tithe my time and anything else God asks of me.  Tithing is so important to me and to God.  He does not command us to tithe, but why would you hold back something from God that is His in the first place?

So for day one on back to basics money is tithing.

Ask yourself these questions, and be honest!  We cannot change what we do not acknowledge:

1)      Do I tithe to God?  If so, out of what bounty am I tithing?  Over what is left, or out of my abundance.

2)      If I don’t tithe, why?  What is holding me back?

3)      If you cannot tithe money, in what other ways can I tithe?  Where would God see me tithe?

Tithing is like  a prayer to God, saying thank you to Him for all He has given you.  You probably won’t get rich when you tithe, but you will be blessed and at peace in your heart.  So let’s start tithing and see what God does with it!

Created for the Gift of the Home Group by K.D.

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Back to Basics Ourselves Day 5





For some of us, an active lifestyle is easy but for the rest of us it required genuine effort and intention to make it happen.

Staying physically active (not just getting up from the computer to get something to eat) has many benefits.  How good are you at making a consistent part of your daily routine.

Here’s some motivation:

  • It increases your overall sense of well-being.
  • It gives you more energy.
  • It helps you sleep more soundly.
  • It helps keep your weight in check.
  • It reduces physical aches and pains
  • It produces long-term benefits; improved circulation, heart health, reduced risk of serious illness, builds strong bones, etc.

Here are some ideas for getting your exercise in a more natural way:

  • Family walks- whether it’s just around your neighborhood, at a local park, taking a hike in the summer, or anything else that you enjoy.
  • Playing sports or games outdoors with your children (soccer, basketball, etc.)
  • Bike rides.
  • Swimming.
  • Gardening. Hoeing? Tilling? Raking? It all counts, for building muscle and getting your heart pumping.
  • Power cleaning.

When we look at fitness in these every day ways we start to see how we can fit it into our schedules.

Questions for Reflection:

 1.  When is the best time for you to exercise?

2.  In what ways are you going to incorporate fitness into your daily routine?

3.  How do you think that adding fitness to your schedule will help you in the long run?

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Back to Basics – Ourselves Day 4


download (19)SIMPLE CLEANING

Remember our two main goals: Good Stuff In/Bad Things Out.  Our goal here is to avoid dangerous cleaning chemicals out of our homes.

Some ideas are:

  • Baking Soda.  For scrubbing and freshening.
  • White Vinegar.  For mirrors, windows, and odors.
  • All- Purpose Natural Concentrated Cleaner.
  • Essential Oils.  Adding to things like vinegar.
  • Natural-brand dish soap and dishwasher detergent.
  • Gentle laundry detergents.
  • Borax. For stubborn stains and hard-core cleaning jobs.

download (20)GENTLE BEAUTY


Our skin is the largest organ in our body, so if something goes on your skin it ultimately makes its way into your body, and into our blood stream.  Toxins accumulate in our bodies and can contribute to health concerns.

Here are some healthy ideas:

  • Castile soap or natural bar soap.
  • Coconut oil or extra virgin olive oil.
  • Toothpaste.  You could try making your own with baking soda, coconut oil and essential oils and flavorings.
  • Hair Styling Products. There are more natural hair care lines on the market today, so look for the best option for you.
  •  Makeup: Mineral make-up has very few non-toxic minerals.
  • Deodorant/Anti-Perspirant: The first recommendation is to entirely forego the anti-perspirant in favor of a deodorant-only product. No, that’s not going to happen even though Our Creator designed sweating as one of the ways that toxins would be flushed from our bodies.  Instead let’s try to replace it with a gentler one.
  • Moisturizing: Coconut oil is a great alternative.

Questions for Reflection:

1. How can you replace your toxic cleaning supplies with better alternatives?

2. How can you replace your toxic beauty supplies with better alternatives? Yes, this one will be a toughie!

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Back to Basics – Ourselves Day 3


If we focus on making choices that work with the two focus points – 1. Put the good stuff in.  2. Keep the bad stuff out, we’ll be closer to healthy living than we think.

Remember we are taking small, easy steps; each step is an important foundation to build on for the next step.  We don’t have to do this perfect; we only have to try our best and trust the Lord with the results.

We also can’t allow this to become an issue of idolatry either.  Keep our eyes on Christ.  Keep our ears open to hear His voice.  Keep our spirit thirsty for the leading of His Spirit.  He will show us what to do.

What does it mean to eat basic, nutrition serving whole, real foods?

  • Eating as little as possible from a can, box or frozen package.
  • Using basic ingredients, like whole grains, meat, eggs, fish, dairy, fresh fruit and vegetables, herbs and spices, and healthy fats and oil.

Don’t get all flustered by nutrient content, reading labels.  Just put your effort into buying whole foods and preparing meals from scratch.  Try eating a wide variety of foods.

Shop the perimeter of the grocery store, rather than the inner aisles where there are more pre-made things.

Let’s talk about the food groups.

*Grains. Nothing refined, but only whole grains, like whole wheat, oats (not quick, but rolled or steel cut/Irish oats), Kamet or spelt (ancient grains, similar to wheat), rye, barley, millet, quinoa, brown rice, wild rice. Fresh ground flour.  Pasta, choose a whole grain or brown rice pasta over white. Breads should be home baked, or choose freshly-made whole grain bakery breads without

Preservatives (sprouted or sourdough is best). Hot cereals like oatmeal are ideal for breakfast, and homemade granola or muesli make a nice and easy cold alternative.

* Meat, poultry, and fish. Stick with basic cuts of chicken and beef, and pork.  Fish can be wild, fresh or frozen.

* Dairy and eggs. Eat real butter, unprocessed (and preferably un-dyed) cheeses, and plain yogurts or kefir made with genuine bacteria cultures.

* Vegetables and fruit. Organic or unsprayed produce is wonderful if you can get it. Some vegetables and fruits are higher in nutrients than others–cabbage, broccoli, dark leafy greens, blueberries, winter squash, pomegranates, orange foods like carrots, sweet potatoes and

squash, onion and garlic and too many others to possibly mention them all. Try to eat a “rainbow” of produce colors over the course of each week. Eat them often, with lots of variety, both cooked and raw.  Leaving them un-peeled (when practical) offers extra nutrients and fiber.

* Beans and legumes. These super foods are a wonderful, frugal way to boost the protein in your diet. Take advantage of their cost-effectiveness by buying them dry and in bulk. Start soaking in water overnight and cook the next morning or afternoon. It’s so simple, it stretches the grocery budget farther, and they’re packed full of fiber and minerals.

 * Fats and oils.  Don’t be afraid of consuming fat! Saturated fat is an important component of a nourishing diet. For higher-temperature cooking and baking, good choices are butter, coconut oil, palm oil, and old fashioned animal fats like rendered lard and tallow. For cold use, extra virgin olive oil, flax oil, and small amounts of unrefined (cold-pressed) vegetable oils like walnut and sesame are best.

 * Sweeteners. Use sweeteners minimally and use in their unrefined state. Avoid all white and brown sugar, corn syrup (especially high-fructose corn syrup), and powdered sugar.

* Condiments and spices.  The less that you can rely on store-bought the better. They’re simple to make yourself.  Buy simple spices and herbs to dress up your cooking and mix them yourself.

 * Beverages.  Go for water first.  Keep juice as a treat (although fresh juicing at home is a healthful idea).  Avoid pops and other sugar-laden drinks. I won’t try to convince you to ditch your coffee and tea, but try to keep your caffeine levels to a minimum. Herbal teas are a wonderful alternative.

Questions for Reflection:

1.  Look through your refrigerators, freezers and pantry’s.  How much processed food do you have?

2. Why do you think we eat so much of it?

3. What one small step could you do today to eat healthier?

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Back to Basics – Ourselves Day 2

images (18) OUR BODIES

The human body is a masterful creation, made by a masterful Creator.  The body has very real needs in order to function as it was designed.  The body also possesses an incredible ability to heal itself.  We should be in awe of God who made us so intricately and made a world that is capable of nurturing us in health and wholeness.  Most of us don’t experience that… we are tired, sick, achy, and uncomfortable.

It’s our responsibility to care for our bodies; it’s the temple of the Holy Spirit.  There is a biblical case for being concerned about health and how “naturally” we live:

* The Leviticus laws are full of suggestions intended to preserve the health of God’s chosen people, from dietary restrictions to sanitation measures that prevented disease. God’s laws were given to His children in kindness, to keep them from the diseases that were frequently known by the other nations around them. (Leviticus 11, 13, 14:33-57, Exodus 15:26)

*God’s blessings of abundance for His people were frequently referred to in the context of wholesome foods and fruitful harvests (lands flowing with milk and honey, barns full of cattle and oxen, fruitful harvests). (Exodus 3:17, Deut. 6:3, Deut. 30:9, Lev 2:4-6)

* Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, and they are not our own, but we are to glorify God with them. (1 Cor. 6)

*We are to do all- eating, drinking, everything to the glory of God. (1 Cor. 10:31)

The way we care for ourselves is another opportunity to bring glory to Him and manage the blessings He has abundantly given us.  We shouldn’t be pursuing better health out of fear but for the love of God and thankfulness for what He has graciously given us.

The heart of it all is stewardship.  Stewardship is the conducting, supervising or managing of something especially the careful and responsible management of something entrusted into one’s care. (Merriam-Webster dictionary) So, even though we have been graciously given this earth and our bodies to live in and have dominion over, it’s not ours. It’s His.

Stewardship should be a huge concern for a Christian, particularly for the mother, wife, and homemaker.  The choices we make daily from the foods we serve, the things we buy, and even the soap we use ALL have an impact on our health.

When we make our health and our families’ health a priority we are conscientiously honoring God.  Yet there are benefits to us:

It will lead to a general sense of physical and emotional wellness.

  • It helps us to function more efficiently. We can wake up ready to go, have less aches, pains and illnesses, have more energy to be productive and get through our days with joy.
  • It will stabilize our moods, our demeanor and calm our emotions.
  • Opens our brains to think more clearly, learn more readily.
  • Frees us to serve wholeheartedly and energetically and do the things that God calls us to do.

This isn’t rocket science.  The major goal is to bring the heart back to a place of simplicity in God.  God isn’t asking you to do the impossible, He only asks us to be faithful.

There are 2 basic things to focus on for better health…

1. Put good stuff in

2. Keep the bad stuff out. 

Questions for Reflection:

1. What bad stuff do you need to keep out?

2. Have you made a plan to stop anything that could keep you from being all that God created you to be?

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Back to Basics – Ourselves Day 1


I understand that many of us aren’t morning people.  If God wanted us to enjoy His magnificent sunrises they would come about 9 o’clock in the morning.  The Bible is filled with evidence that successful men (and women) of God rose early in the morning to worship the Lord. Genesis 22:3 (Abraham), Jacob (Genesis 28:18), Moses (Exodus 8:20), Joshua, David, Job, Isaiah, Daniel, the women who came to the empty tomb of Jesus, even Jesus rose early to worship thee Lord and spend time with Him.   “Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed” (Mark 1:35).

Getting up early doesn’t make you righteous.  Many Christians are guilty of giving God what’s left over at the end of the day. Most of us have jobs that require us to be up and moving at a certain time.  We grab the coffee and start rushing.  Life is routine.

Christians should rise early, so they can have a spiritual routine… our soul’s salvation depends on it!   “And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high

time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed” (Romans 13:11). Christ is the morning light that will shine on us: “Therefore He says: ‘Awake, you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light’” (Eph. 5:14).

There is no better way to start your day than with a smile.  Psalm 118:24 in my mind, “This is the day which the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.” No matter how bad it was yesterday, today is a new day. “Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning” (Ps. 30:5). Wake up with a smile ready to shine your light for all to see!

How successful can a Soldier of Christ be if he crawls out of bed half-naked and unarmed? We need to mentally dress our souls for battle by putting on the Belt of Truth, the Breastplate of Righteousness; next the feet are shod with the Gospel of Peace; then the Shield of Faith; next the Helmet of Salvation; and finally the Sword of the Spirit.

 The old saying “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” For a Christian our morning devotions are just as important. Jesus Himself had a habit of morning devotions with the Father. “Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed” (Mark. 1:35).

Lysa TerKeurst says “Is it really important to spend time with God every day?  With all the demands of everyday life it can be hard to set aside time with Jesus. But I can tell a big difference in how I handle things on those days when I’ve done this as opposed to those days I haven’t.  Spending time reading the Bible and praying gives us the exact instruction and comfort we need to handle all God sees coming our way today. It’s the perfect way to receive His peace. Then with great expectation we can face the day and everything in it.  Because of the time we’ve spent with Him, Jesus has already impressed on our hearts how we should act and react in every situation. So, instead of being a slave to our emotions and reacting based on feelings, we can be prepared no matter what.

God commanded His servants to get up and obey Him first thing in the morning.  As Christians, we are commanded to communicate with our Master through prayer. This must be done daily, because Christ commanded us to pray for our daily needs. “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matt. 6:11).

Paul told us to “pray without ceasing” (1 Th. 5:17).

Questions for Reflection:

1.  What keeps you from getting up and obeying Him first thing in the morning?

2.  How do you think your day would go by obeying?  Would you shine your light?  Would your day go smoother with Him alongside you?

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Back to Basics – Children

download (10)Hello Dear Mommas!  Before I begin this I have a confession to make…when I was asked to do this piece I thought “great I got this.”  Well is our God not funny in the ways he chooses to correct us or grow us up!

As I started reading, praying, and writing about how God sees our children and our parenting I have been convicted in many areas. I am still searching my heart and seeking the areas in my parenting that God wants to change.  I am not at all to the point that I can say I have come to understand it all or that I live by it but these are God’s truth and his view of our parenting.

I pray someday I will be able to say “yes Lord I get it” or “yes Lord this is how I do it.”  The process of growth and change does not happen over night and can not happen unless we turn our hearts towards God’s truth.  So join with me to hear some encouraging, instructive, and corrective instruction from God!

I have broken the pieces down into three sections and each section covers three different topics on parenting God’s way.  Take time to read them, meditate, and pray about each one.

Monday and Tuesday

Commitment in truth

Dedication to the Lord

Reflection of God


Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed. Psalm 16:3

First lets ask ourselves before we had kids how many of us had an idea in our minds of whom they would be? Anyone laughing yet? You know where I am going with this right?  Well we all found out pretty quickly that the image of what we thought our kids would be like was not at all reality. Why is this?  Let us ask ourselves this where did we get this view of who our kids would be?

For most of us we had a second-hand obscure look into parenting and who are children would be. We babysat, had siblings, we read books, watched TV, and listened to the adults around us talk about their experience’s of parenting.  While these may give us a taste of parenting nothing can prepare you for who YOUR child would turn out to be.  We have all hear the saying “kids don’t come with instructions.” While it is true they don’t hand you a manuscript on your child in the nursery there is a book that DOES give you all the instruction you will need.  This book tells us who our kids are, what they will need, how to love them, how to correct them, and where to turn when we are unsure.  Okay ladies say it with me that book is the…..BIBLE.

Now some of you may have turned to this book before having kids. I certainly was not one of them. I like a lot of unprepared mommas thought that each child would be raised differently and individually. Now it is true that each child does have their own needs and personalities and meeting them can take us on different paths; but God has set clear fundamental guide lines on how to raise our children a base from which we all must start and stepping-stones along the paths of their lives.  One view I had of my children before starting this that was not fully seen in the truth was that they were ONLY beautiful creations of God.  Now they of course are but I was missing one important view of them.  They are sinners with a sinners nature.  I would passively dismiss their behaviors as “just being kids.”

Folly is bound up in the heart of a child but the rod of correction will drive it away. Proverbs 22:15

Before we have children God wants us to commit in marriage to one man.  Then two flesh become one.  This is not just a spiritual fact but a physical manifestation made real in the birth of our kids.  We must commit to raising these kids, we must commit to loving these kids, and we must commit to correcting these kids.  Now we do that right? We love them, we feed them, and we hold them when they cry.  But what if we looked at the commitment to our kids the way God sees his commitment to us.

How did commit to us? Why did he commit to us?  How does he stand firm in that commitment?  If we have a view of our children the way God sees us before coming to Christ then some of us would be nuns right now.  The sobering truth is this.  Our kids are sinners and are headed toward destruction. Oh sure they are cute little balls of Joy when we have them but this is not of their choice.  God makes them that way (I think so we don’t eat them) but we are in this flesh from sinners; headed toward eternal separation from God; and true the moment we are born.  Now don’t start throwing verses out there that speak on the loving formation in the womb.  Yes yes this all true but who did that?  Did your child? Did you? Nope that is an act of God it is his power and will.  Our birth right-handed down to us from the fall of man is sin.  Why should we look at kids this way; because the beginning of all wisdom is the fear of the Lord.  When we decide to have a child and start preparing ourselves for their arrival we need to keep in mind their eternal lives.  We need to pick up that guide to kids that God has given us and start praying over them right from the beginning, speaking truth and forgiveness of sins from the moment they enter the world, and live with the Holy fear that their eternal souls are being battled for by our enemy.  God tells us to commit whatever we do to him this includes our parenting.  We are so apt to forget that this too is part of the “whatever you do.” Our right view of God’s sacrifice for us, love of his creation, and commitment through all seasons is the beginning of setting our own minds toward the raising of the child God gave YOU.  No mistakes each child was formed specifically for you.  They were known by our father as he knows all creation.  We must not assume that our kids will be what we expect them to be because there is only one who truly knows them.  Ask God who they are, seek his understanding on their lives; seek his word for the ways he wants us to raise them. One of my favorite quotes is “learn to love the kids we are given, not the ones we wanted. This is one of the biggest commitments we as moms must make to love them for them, to fight for their salvation, and to speak the truth in love.

” The tongue has power of life or death and those who love it will eat its fruit.  Proverbs 18:21″

Dedication to the Lord.

“For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to him. Therefore I have lent him to the Lord. As long as he lives, he is lent to the Lord.” And he worshiped the Lord there. ”   1 Samuel 1:27-28

“Consecrate to me all the firstborn. Whatever is the first to open the womb among the people of Israel, both of man and of beast, is mine.”  Exodus 13:2

Okay ladies now it seems quite obvious why we dedicate our children right?  Let us dive a little deeper into God’s wisdom and understanding as to why this is necessary.

When we have our children how many parents do you think of when you think of those that will be raising them.  For some of us there is a mom and a dad.  For some of us we will be raising our children as single parents; if you are one or the other the same is true for both there is another parent involved in their lives and he is the most important one of all.  When we are willing give over our children to God what does this say?  We are saying God “God they are yours, your will for them is right, and we are willing accept that you are their Father.”  Now obviously we can do this from birth or any time throughout their lives but an open dedication in front of men is what God not only wants but requires.   In the Old Testament the first of the sons born to any couple was brought to the temple and presented to the Lord and the people.  It was not only for the parents to show their children but to openly proclaim that these children belonged to GOD.  Now God does not desire that we only dedicate our sons but ALL of the children we have.   Here are three reasons why dedicating our children to the Lord is so important to God

#1 We are openly acknowledging God’s superior presence as their Father before men.

#2 We are committing to the Lord and before men that we accept God’s will for their lives.

#3 We speak against the plans of the enemy for our children.

Remember the scripture life and death in the power of the tongue?  When we openly dedicate them we are doing just that speaking life into them and on them.  We are binding plans of the enemy and fully submitting to the will of God.  The enemy hates when we dedicate our children because in doing so we place a hedge of protection around their very souls.  Open dedication also accepts that their very lives and the length of their lives is up to the Will of God.  For some of us this is a hard thing to think about.  No one wants to imagine that their children could be gone from this earth before us.  The fact of the matter is that God gives and he takes, death is not impartial, and accidents can happen.  When we fully grasp the understanding that these kids will not be free from death just because we choose not to dedicate to the full will of God then we can fully see the need to dedicate their lives to the Lord.  Remember God loves them more than we do; there is no place that he is not there, and he has a plan and a purpose for all.  Dedicate your children to God allow him to be honored for the blessings he has given, and speak God’s will onto their lives.  One last point to make Dedication is not baptism.  A dedication is just as important but a baptism is something our children will choose to do on their own when the Lord has called them.  Yes there are mainly similarities to the two but the first is a choice of the parents the second is a choice of the child.

 Reflections of us reflect God.

 “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Mathew 5:16

Be Holy as I am Holy” 1 Peter 1:16

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me. 7 If you had really known me, you would know who my Father is.  From now on, you do know him and have seen him!” John 14:6

Jesus replied, “Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and yet you still don’t know who I am? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father! So why are you asking me to show him to you? 10 Don’t you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words I speak are not my own, but my Father who lives in me does his work through me. 11 Just believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me. Or at least believe because of the work you have seen me do. 12 “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. 13 You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. 14 Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!” John 14: 9-14 

Okay ladies this will be the hardest of these three for us to take in.  If we open our hearts to the conviction of God’s love and desire for his children to live a holy life than we will make it through.  Okay so I have heard it said from society world view “you should not expect your kids to be like you.” “They should not reflect you.” If I am the only one that has heard these then I am in shock. In one form or another we all have told that our kid’s decisions and actions should not reflect who we are as parent’s right?  Well wrong again is the world’s view.  As CHILDREN, FOLLOWERS, and REPRESENTATIVES of God we are not only but required to reflect who our Father is.  We are his chosen messengers on this earth.  The world watches us and the enemy accuses us.  He is the one speaking into the minds and hearts of unbelievers and believers alike (yes even Christians watch other Christians.)  Jesus told us that if we believe in him and choose to follow him we must follow God because there is no separating them.  When did Jesus ever say “well my father said this but I do this instead but still you should follow my father because he knows what is right.”  No that would have been foolishness and would not have fulfilled the righteous sacrifice that God required.  Praise you Jesus you did what was the will of the father!

Christ MIRRORED the father.  The father’s will was his will, the father’s heart was his heart, and the father’s love was his love.  In the same way we are to live our lives.  Jesus tells us to not be of the world but to be transformed through the renewing of our minds.  If our lives reflect who Christ is then the testimony of our walk will reflect who God is. If we are walking in our ways as believers then we are not reflecting who God is an in fact are leading others astray by representing a false view of whom God is.  Now let us get to the hard part here. In the same way our kids reflect who we are.  Our children learn and live what they are taught.  The ways you choose to spend your time, money, blessings, words, and abilities will teach our children what is important in this life.  Anyone feeling convicted yet? I sure am.  Sometimes as a mom and my kids are behaving in a way that I find annoying or is obviously wrong I think to myself “where did you get this?:” “what is wrong with YOU?”  The best answer is this what is wrong with ME?  What are my actions speaking to my kids? What areas of my life am I failing them?  If I am a grumpy self-seeking individual it should come as no surprise that my kids will be the same.  If I am constantly going through mood swings; then what am I to expect of my children?”  The hard bottom line truth is this that we are teachers and good or bad these kids are learning their behaviors from us. It is right that God expects us to follow him and it is right to expect our kids to follow us following him.   Now let us not freak out and start going through every bad choice they made see where our faults lies (a self-check is needed) but we must also remember that these kids also have what we have. That is FREE WILL.  Our kids like us are given the choice to follow or not to follow. We must look at the life we are living to be sure that our life style does not reflect the idea that their choice of rebellion is okay or acceptable.  We need to always be aware that we are students in need of wisdom and teachers always teaching. Come before God and seek his wisdom for he gives freely and we need to teach this wisdom to our kids.  If we walk before God reflecting to the world who he is then we teach our children to do the same.  Will we always get it right? No in this world we will fail but we must continuously strive toward Holiness.

End of part One ladies!!!

Question:  How does seeing God’s instruction on parenting change the way we choose to parent??

Submitted by CF for the Gift of the Home

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Back to the Basics – Husbands

husband-wifeWell ladies, we have had quite the journey together haven’t we?  We have gotten to know each other (except for the few beautiful ladies who are remaining mysterious 😉 , prayed for each other, encouraged each other, and have done some challenges together.  Now it’s time to go back to the basics.

Today, and everyday, we are going to focus our hearts and minds on our husbands.  (It’s always God first remember!).  Let me explain why.   Genesis 1:26-27 “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, …So God create man in His own image, in the image of God he created him…”  God created man first, and then He created his helpmate, Eve.  God did not want Adam to be alone, so He gave Him Eve.  Eve is Adam’s equal, but Adam is still the head of the home.  Paul explains in Ephesians 5 this way:

 ” 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. “

The world definitely does not agree with this.  The world would have us believe in order to be happy, we ourselves must come first.  Not true!  This does not mean your husband is greater than you or has total control over you.  It means your husband must follow Christ and lead in His example.

How do I put my husband first?  I am so glad you asked!

  • By praying for him (not for God to change him, nice try), for God to touch his heart, and lead the family in the direction which God would have you all go. Ask God to change YOU for your husband and His service.
  •  By being submissive to him.  Aha!  Lost a few of you didn’t I?  We do hate that word don’t we?  The world calls submission letting someone have total control over you, being a doormat.  Not in God’s definition!!!!  God defines submission to our husbands as a loving acknowledgment of another’s value as a person.
  • By doing little things to bring him joy.  Not talking about sex here, that’s later.  I’m talking about leaving him little love notes each day, setting out his comfy clothes to change into when he gets home from work, telling him “I love you” as often as you can.  Let God lead you on what would bring your husband this joy.
  • By not with-holding sex from him.  Denying your husband sex should never be used as punishment.  The Bible is very clear on this subject.  Paul explains in 1 Corinthians 7 this way:

“3 The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. 4 The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife. 5 Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.”

Sex between a husband and wife is a beautiful thing!  God created us to be one flesh, and that only happens when we submit to our husbands and lovingly, freely make love with him.  This will strengthen your relationship with each other, with God, and a closeness that comes from it cannot be equaled by anything else.

  • Do not bad mouth your husband to anyone at any time!  We are to build him up, not tear him down.  Again, God is very clear on this subject.

Proverbs 12:4  “A wife of noble character is her husband’s crown, but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones.”  and again in Ephesians: “29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.”

This does not mean if you are having difficulty you cannot seek help, but go to God and your husband first, not to your friends or Facebook.

  • Do not go to bed angry. It solves nothing and causes a huge rift between you and your husband.  Do not send him or yourself out of the room to spend the night elsewhere.  God brought you together, DO NOT tear it apart.

Ephesians 4:31″ Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” and again in verse 26-27 “26 “In your anger do not sin”[a]: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold.”

Marriage is a partnership with God, your husband, and you.  If you keep all this in perspective, and follow God’s Word on marriage, I promise you, your marriage will only get better!  It will not be perfect, because we are not perfect, but it will be better.  Come on, what have you got to lose?  Let’s love our husbands!!!

“4 As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. 2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.”

Question: What is one thing you can do to be submissive to your husband? Remember God defines submission to our husbands as a loving acknowledgment of another’s value as a person. So what is it that you can do to show this submission to him? Be honest…we cannot change what we do not know. Ask God to search your heart on this one.

Question: What is holding you back from being the wife God has called you to be? If you are unsure, ask God to reveal to you what walls you have placed between you and your husband. Remember, honesty is very important here.

Question: What is one area in your marriage you struggle with, and how are you going to overcome it?

Our journey together this week has been a long one. We have put our marriages at the forefront of our thoughts, and for many of us, it’s the first time in a very long time. We have answered some pretty tough questions, and been honest with ourselves. Our hearts have been moved, often to the point of tears, as our sisters here have shared their personal journeys with us. We have been so supportive of each other, and have joined in unity to ban satan from our marriages. This will be the last question of the week on our husbands. I am asking you all to pray and seek God before you answer it. Make a list of all the things you do on a daily basis, and put them in order of importance. Be very specific on this..for example if every day you exercise list it…if you call your mom..list it. Even if it’s something as simple as taking out the trash, list it. Now, look back on that list….where is your husband on it? Did you remember to list him near the top? He should be, right under God. If he isn’t near the top, or he isn’t on your list at all…why not? How can you re-priortize your daily life to include your husband? I would like to leave you all with something my Grandy told me a long time ago when I was pregnant with my first child. I was living in Ohio at the time, and my family was all in Colorado. They had a baby shower for me, and went around the room on film asking people to give me advice on being a new mom. Grandy’s advice is the only one I remember, and it still rings in my head. She said, “Don’t forget your husband.” be blessed, be loved, and remember, don’t forget your husband.

Submitted by KD for the GIft of the Home Group.  Thank you!

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