Craft Space Challenge Week 4

Gift of the Home   Craft Space Challenge 

                                                         Week # 4        Make Me Happy

Lord, Grant me inward happiness and the serenity which comes from living close to You.  Daily renew in me a sense of joy.  Let the eternal spirit of You dwell  in my soul, filling every corner of my heart with light and grace. I give thanks to you, Father, always and for all things. Amen.

“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4

I’m fulfilled in what I do… I never thought that a lot of money or fine clothes-the finer things of life-would make you happy. My concept of happiness is to be filled in a spiritual sense.  ~   Coretta Scott King

Remember the Rules.

I shall not get organized at the cost of my family’s budget or losing my sanity!

This is the week we get to put our ideas into action!  The week that we make our space a place of happiness.  We get to make our space a place that makes us feel creative, happy and calm.

All the things that have been sitting in the back of your mind covering boxes for storage containers, hanging shelves, make dividers for drawers, make labels ~ this is the week to do it!

Put each item away in an organized, functional way that works for you, not something you saw on pinterest but what will really work for you.

Group supplies into common themes that are meaningful for you., remember this is your space and should be based on your personal crafting habits, wants and needs..

Group your tools by how often you use them.  Those you use most often should easily accessible.

Don’t forget your crafting library, organize it in the easiest way for you.

Bring in things that make you happy, that bring a smile to your face, that foster your creativity.

Now is the time to show the group what you’ve accomplished these past four weeks!  Express to the group how you feel about your space and why it makes you happy.

May today there be peace within you.  May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing that you are a child of God. Let His presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, and to bask in the sun. It is there for each and every one of you.

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Craft Space Challenge Week 3

                                          Week # 3  Clear Out the Cobwebs

Lord, Luke says “and when it comes, it finds the house swept and put in order.” (Luke 11:25)  I pray that You would bless everything I do.  Help me to see everything you would have me accomplish and enable me to do it to the best of the abilities you bestowed upon me.  Bless me with a great attitude, help me to have a clear sense of Your purpose in my life as I do my chores, to have a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment knowing that I want to do what pleases you.  Amen.

“We just have to put together a clean game.  When we do that we usually do well.”  ~  Todd Pridy

Remember the Rules.

 I shall not get organized at the cost of my family’s budget or losing my sanity!

 This is the week we’ve been dreading. There’s no way to make your space special if it isn’t clean.

If you can, open the windows to let the stale air out and let the sweet air in.

Turn on your favorite music.

Gather together all your cleaning supplies, so you won’t have to keep leaving the room for something forgotten.

Gather up rugs, slipcovers, throws, curtains ~ anything in the room that needs to be washed.  Get a load of laundry going.  If you can, hang them out in the sunshine to dry.

Start your cleaning at the top and move down dusting and cleaning.  If you can, open the windows and let the sweet air in!

Overhead light fixtures

Ceiling Fans



Drapery Rods

Window Frames


 Door Frames


 Light Switches






Vacuum Furniture, if necessary

Sweep and Mop Floors, if necessary

 Vacuum, if necessary Vacuum Furniture

Finish the room’s laundry and put away/re-hang.

I know how proud you feel right now!  The smell of clean in the air.  Express to the group how you feel about what you have accomplished.


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Lord, thank you for gifts of provision that you have so generously bestowed on me. May I show appreciation for them always remembering that they come from You. May I not be attached to the things of this world but to follow Paul, when he said “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are of the earth.” (Colossians 3:2) Amen.

“Practice giving things away, not just things you don’t care about, but things you do like. Remember, it is not the size of a gift, it is its quality and the amount of mental attachment you overcome that count. So don’t bankrupt yourself on a momentary positive impulse, only to regret it later. Give thought to giving. Give small things, carefully, and observe the mental processes going along with the act of releasing the little thing you liked.” ~ Robert A F Thurman

Remember the Rules.

I shall not get organized at the cost of my family’s budget or losing my sanity!

Review all you dreamed about your space notes. By reviewing them you’ll stay on track with your vision for your space. It will keep you from getting off track this week.

This will be the most time-consuming week. There will be a lot of thought involved as you take an inventory of the things you have accumulated. There will be thoughts and feelings attached to many things. This is the week to be bold, to make the choices without hesitation. Don’t think too long on an item, it will cause you to start second guessing yourself.

Get at least four boxes (more if you think you need them) and label them:

“I Use” This box is for things that you actually use but you want to put in a different place.
“I Move” This box is for things that should not be in your space. Things that should have a home in other rooms.
“I Share” This box is for things that are in good condition and you know you won’t use them. You don’t want to throw them in the trash so donate them to a church, childcare center, scout troop or other organization that uses crafting supplies. You’ll be giving back to the community and giving yourself more room in your space.
“Useless” This box is for things that are no use to anyone and are ready to be discarded. Be honest with yourself. Clutter breeds more clutter!

Take an inventory of your craft supplies and tools. Think about how often you really “use” each item.

Touch each item once, only once. Add to one of the four boxes.

As you add items to the “I Use” box, take notes about where the item is stored, where it would be more convenient for you to have it for use. Remember that organization is all about ease of use. It doesn’t matter how “pretty” something is if it’s not a natural space for an item.

As you add items to the “I Move” box remember that every item has a space, just not in this one.
As you add items to the “I Share” box, remember you are giving a gift to another.
As you add items to the “Useless” box, be ruthless. Each item in our lives takes a space. By giving up things that are useless you creating space for the things you really love.
When you are done taking an inventory of your items do the following:
Keep the “I Use” box in the room. These items will be put in their own space.
Take the “I Move” box out of the room. Put every item in it where it will be used most. Don’t put it off, it just may not get done.
Take the “I Share” box and put it somewhere where you will remember to take it to your chosen donation site. Schedule a day to take it, don’t just let it sit there, remember to share blessings within with others.
Take the “Useless” box to the trash. Not just in a corner, or in the garage, to the trash.
Express to the group your thoughts and feelings about releasing items that are no longer in your life.
I hope that by completing this week you will feel lighter, more open and more humble as you have seen all that God has blessed you with.

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Close up of Glitterbug art bag -

Craft Space Challenge Week # 1

Today is the day the Gift of the Home Group begins thier first monthly challenge.  Am I nervous?  Yes, but excited all the same.  I did the Challenge to see how it will work.  Believe it or not, by following my own plan I now have the craft space how I want it.  I’ve been struggling with that space since we moved in!  I hope that you follow along with us here or with the group at

Gift of the Home   Craft Space Challenge    Week # 1 Choose to Open Yourself to New Ways

Lord, Thank you for creation itself and the incredible gifts and talents you so generously entrust to me. May I appreciate and develop these talents, always recognizing that they come from you and remain yours… Guide me in using them for the benefit of everyone that I touch, so that they may be more aware of your creative presence and develop the creativity entrusted to them for the good of others. Help me also to use your talents to bring a creative spark and new possibilities to your world, living out my call to be an
integral part of your creative force. Amen.

“Create around one at least a small circle where matters are organized as one wants them to be” ~ Anna Freud

Choose your Room/Space.  It doesn’t matter if you have a whole room for your crafts or a corner; you can still get your supplies together and organized. If you don’t have a separate room: You could consider sectioning off part of a room to keep your crafting supplies. You could use bookshelves, dressers that could double as a divider between your work station and the room. Try and choose a location that can serve as a permanent workspace. It doesn’t do any good to use the kitchen table and then have to move everything just to have dinner.

Once you’ve chosen your space, I’m sure you want to rush right in ~ moving, decorating, trying to make it look pretty ~ we all have that tendency. But don’t! Spend some time alone in your space.

Remember the actual purpose of your craft space ~ It’s a space that should encourage your creativity. A space that you feel free to open up and create. We craft because we want not usually because we need.

Express what your desires are, how you want to feel, what you want to achieve with this space.

Write down what comes to you, what you envision your space to be, what bothers you, dream a little. Do you want to paint? Do you need a table with a different height? Is the chair comfortable? Do you need shelving? How is the lighting? Where are the electrical outlets?

Now look through your supplies (no organizing, just look!). And don’t even think of starting a project with everything you are seeing!  Think about your supplies and how you use them. Which ones do you use together? Are they in a place that is easily accessible to your needs?

I hope that after completing these things you will be very happily surprised about the things you’ve learned about your space and yourself.

Now let’s let our imagination take control ~ you have written down all you need and want in your space.

Sketch out your dream space. You may not be able to draw, I can’t, but you know what you are looking for to make this space your own. Don’t make “rules” for your furniture and storage containers, be open to new possibilities, and see things with new eyes.

Let the group in on what you are dreaming. Tell them what you are lacking.  What you need help with.  The purpose is to use what you have, to let other’s help you see things in new and interesting ways.


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